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Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF)
For additional information and test materials: Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) Test
NeuroRehab Supplemental - Highly Recommended
Recommendations for Use: Indicated for studies requiring a measure for visuoperception and visual episodic memory.
It is not recommended for use in individuals whose vision is not sufficient to see the stimuli or whose motor functioning is not sufficient to accurately draw fairly simple shapes.
Supplemental - Highly Recommended: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Supplemental: Epilepsy and Stroke
Exploratory: Unruptured Cerebral Aneurysms and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH):
Copy trial for visuoperception and visuoconstruction.
Delayed Recall trial for memory
Short Description of Instrument
Purpose: The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) test requires the subject to copy a complex geometric figure, providing an index of design reproduction/graphic ability. Recall trials then evaluate visual memory for the stimuli.
Overview: The ROCF is a widely used neuropsychological test for the evaluation of visuospatial constructional ability (Copy trial) and visual learning and memory (Immediate Recall, Delayed Recall, and Recognition trials). It consists of three test conditions: Copy, Immediate Recall and Delayed Recall.
Population: 6-89 years
Time: The assessment takes approximately 15 minutes, plus a 30-minute delay interval (timed) during which other tests may be given.
Comments/Special Instructions
NeuroRehab Specific: This test has adequate norms and is used commonly. It can be used to assess both visuospatial construction and visual memory.
Scoring and Psychometric Properties
Scoring: Drawings are scored based on a 36-point scoring system or a 72-point system. The 72-point system (Denman, 1984) gives more information about organizational ability.
The same scoring criteria apply to all three drawing trials. Each of the 18 scoring units are scored based on accuracy and placement criteria. Unit scores range from two (accurately drawn, correctly placed) to zero (inaccurately drawn, incorrectly placed, unrecognizable, omitted). The time required to copy the figures have also been used as a supplemental measure.
Scoring Time: 45 minutes including delay period for memory recall. Scoring of this task is very labor intensive and requires thorough training, so that may be a problem in some clinical and research settings.
Psychometric Properties: The test has been extensively validated across populations and has well established normative standards. Intercorrelations between the ROCF and other measures, in samples of both normal and brain-damaged subjects, indicate convergent and discriminant validity. It reliably discriminates among brain-damaged, psychiatric, and normal subjects. In addition, the Recognition trial provides incremental diagnostic power compared to using recall trials alone (i.e., for discriminating memory storage vs retrieval problems).
Strengths: Good test-retest reliability; adequate norms; can be used in adults and children; measures visuoperception, visuospatial construction, and visual memory
Weaknesses: Requires a motor response and substantial executive functioning demands.
Denman SB. Denman Neuropsychology Memory Scale. 1984, Charleston, SC: Sidney B. Denman.
Larrabee GJ, Curtiss G. Factor structure and construct validity of the Denman Neuropsychology Memory Scale. Int J Neurosci. 1985;26(3-4):269-276.
Lezak M, Howieson DB, Loring DW, Hannay HJ, Fischer JS. Neuropsychological Assessment. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.
Meyers JE, Meyers KR. Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial: Professional Manual. Lutz, FL: PAR, 1995.
Rey A & Osterrieth PA. Translations of excerpts from Andre Rey's Psychological examination of traumatic encephalopathy and P.A. Osterrieth's The Complex Figure Copy Test. Clinical Neuropsychologist. 1993;7(1):4-21.
van der Ham IJM, Kant N, Postma A, Visser-Meily JMA. Is Navigation Ability a Problem in Mild Stroke Patients? Insights from Self-reported Navigation Measures. J Rehabil Med. 2013;45:429-433.
Document last updated January 2022